Happy Halloween!
Halloween is our favorite holiday. We have added even more sweets and treats to choose from.
Fun-size chocolates by the wheel-barrow is what Halloween is all about. In addition to such holiday staples we can fill any of your bulk favorites into bags of any size.
Then we customize it for you.
Pictured above: new flavors of candy corn in one-ounce, two-ounce
and 8-ounce clear cello bags. Customization options include imprint, decal or header card. For header card design template, click here.
Please view some of our candy corn fill options to the left. For all of our bulk candy choices, check our fills page.

Funsize and Snacksize
...are the perfect candy for any occasion. And at a net weight from 0.4 to 0.7 ounces per candy (depending on the type), they are also the most popular give-away during Halloween.
We carry all your favorite brands in flavors like Twix, Reeses, Snickers, Milky Way, Butterfinger, Kit Kat, Nestle Crunch, Hershey Milk and more...
We offer snacksize give-aways in bulk or by the pound for large orders, but we can also re-brand these popular treats to let you make a lasting impression.
For more info on fun-size bars, see our Snacksize Page!
View our catalog for more fun products!